Monday, August 4, 2008

Best treatment for body acne and how to get rid of acne fast

Not a good idea, definitely. Everything should be done in moderation, washing included. Unless you are in a situation which requires more washing, you should only wash your face about twice per day.
Keeping your body hydrated is important as well. A dehydrated body will cause your skin to become dehydrated, and this can cause spots and pimples to appear. Your body needs at least eight glasses of water a day, and this will need to be increased depending on how much you exercise.
Obviously one of the best things you can do when undertaking the treatment of acne is to read up on the subject, research the causes and the treatments for this skin affliction. One of the best tool available today is the internet. You can find vast amounts of information on the causes and treatment of acne on the information super highway.
tags: gena rapid clear acne defense face lotion, acne medication prescription, acne medication chose the best for you

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