Thursday, July 3, 2008

Antibiotic cream for acne and how do you clear acne

One thing you should not do is load up your face with masks or fancy lotions - these won't help and may irritate your skin further, making the scars red and even more noticeable.
Acne home remedy – Holy basil is another useful herb used for preparing home remedy for acne. It has excellent anti-bacterial property and is highly effective in treating skin disorders. Apply the paste of basil leaves directly on the acne affected skin.
Cystic This type is very common and caused by squeezing, picking or pinching small acne filled with pus. These activities makes the pus inside the cyst to burst deep inside the tissue of the skin and results in to a body mechanism that sends white blood cells to the affected area and these cells work towards fighting off bacteria. Cystic acne also results in a lot of swelling and deep rooted inflammation that ultimately results in pain.
tags: alternatives of birth control pills for acne, zindaclin acne cream, home remedy for acne scar

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